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Quantitative Aptitude

Instructors: Study44

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Course Curriculum

Multiplication by only 9's
Multiplication of numbers from 90 to 110
Finding squares of only 1's,3's,6's,9's
Finding squares of no.s from 26 to 75
Finding squares of no.s 76 to 125
Finding square roots
Finding cube roots
Time and Work
Time and Work - I
Time and Work - Tricks and Techniques (3:00)
Pipes and Cisterns
Pipes and Cisterns - I
Profit and Loss
Profit and Loss - I
Profit and Loss - Tricks and Techniques
Time, Speed and Distance
Time, Speed and Distance - I
Time, Speed and Distance - Tricks and Techniques
Boats and Streams
Boats ans Streams - I
Averages - I
Averages - Tricks and Techniques
Percentages- I
Percentages - Tricks and Techniques
Simple Interest
Simple Interest - I
Compound Interest
Compund Interest - Method I (11:00)
Compund Interest - Method II (8:00)
Comound Interest - Method III (6:00)
Compound Interest - Method IV (6:00)
Compound Interest - Sums (16:00)
Compound Interest - Tricks and Techniques
Mixtures - I
Mixtures - Tricks and Techniques
Partnership - I
Partnership - Tricks and Techniques
Ages - I
Ages - Tricks and Techniques
Ratio and Proportion
Ratio and Proportion - I
Probability - Concepts with short-cut techniques
Probability - Tricks and Techniques
Series I
Series - II
Series - III
Quadratic Equations
Quadratic Equation - I
Quadratic Equations - II
Quadratic Equations - III
Quadratic Equation - IV
Quadratic Equation - V
Algebra - I
Algebra - II
Algebra - III
Algebra - IV
Algebra - V
Algebra - VI
Algebra - VII
Trigonometry - I
Trigonometry - II

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
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