About Us

Study44 is an online platform to enable students prepare for various competitive exams through simplified teaching techniques, online mock tests, PDF study materials and interview preparation modules. 

We offer Video Lectures covering all required topics for Competitive Exams, Online Mock Tests based on the latest Exam Pattern, PDF Study Materials which can be downloaded and complete Interview Preparation Modules. We also offer a Course for Campus Placements for Students to excel in their Placement Drives. 

We are a team of highly dedicated, devoted and determined educators, engineers and domain experts who strive for highest quality of education for all. We have the vision to provide the best Educational Content in the entire country at the CHEAPEST PRICE and to make it affordable and accessible to the entire student fraternity. 

Let us together build an elite community of students who are serious about their exam preparations and are willing to go the extra mile to achieve their dreams. We believe in “Learn the BEST from the BEST at the CHEAPEST!!”.

We follow a simple moto: ANALYZE :: STRATEGIZE :: IMPLEMENT.

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